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The Dinah Shore Estate

United States, Palm Springs

Sleeps 12
6 Bed
7 Bath
All bedrooms en­suite
Car Parking
Private Parking
Spa on site
Swimming Pool (Private Outdoor)
Tennis Court
Wheelchair Access

Floor-to-ceiling windows throughout bring the beauty of
the desert, the clusters of palm trees, and the majestic San
Jacinto Mountains into the estate. This furnished house is one of
the finest examples of Mid-Century architecture in Southern
California, the birthplace of the progressive design movement.
Located in the heart of Palm Springs, this iconic, Mid-Century
home was designed by renowned architect Donald Wexler in 1964. With
room for up to 12 guests Avenue guarantees a luxurious stay in this
beautiful Palm Springs Villa.

40-50k /pw
Get in touch

Price based on 7 night stay. Property also available per night.

Palm Springs, United States