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Fabbri Cottage

Italy, Tuscany

Sleeps 6
3 Bed
3 Bath
All bedrooms en­suite
Allows Children
Car Parking
Extra accommodation nearby
Ground floor bed & bath
Private Parking
Swimming Pool (Private Outdoor)
Washing Machine

Casa Fabbri is an old Tuscan cottage that sits alone in an olive
grove on the edge of the ‘Montagnola Senese’ beside the Thebaide,
or ‘Holy Woods’. The property has a private entrance to the wood,
with its famous statues by Giuseppe Mazzuoli. This is where
Cardinal Flavio Chigi would spend much time in quiet contemplation.
Following a recent renovation, the property now includes 3 double
bedrooms, each with their own bathroom, as well as a swimming pool
and a dining terrace with excellent views to the south, towards
Monte Amiata.

<5k /pw
Get in touch

Price based on 7 night stay. Property also available per night.

Siena, Tuscany, Italy



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