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Finca San Joan

Spain, Ibiza

Sleeps 9
5 Bed
5 Bath
Allows Children
Car Parking
Ceiling fans
Ground floor bed & bath
Indoor Fireplace
Open Fire
Swimming Pool (Private Outdoor)
Washing Machine

You will find this this delightful old finca at the end of
a long scenic track away from the hustle and bustle of the island.
Recently renovated with the help of a renowned Ibizan
eco-architect, the house is now an oasis of contemporary loveliness
with a large green footprint- there are both solar and wind
generators (with oil as a back up) keeping the house warm in winter
and cool in the summer. The rain water is harvested for use in the
house and garden.





10-15k /pw
Get in touch

Price based on 7 night stay. Property also available per night.

Ibiza, Spain



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