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Lechlade House

United Kingdom, Gloucestershire

Sleeps 10
4 Bath
Allows Children
Central Heating
Chapel nearby
Child­safe Pool
High chair
Indoor Fireplace
Private Parking
Swimming Pool (Heated, Private Indoor)
Walking distance to a village / town
Washing Machine
Wheelchair Access

Lechlade House perfectly embodies the innovative feel of a
modern build combined with stunning, classicly Georgian interiors,
giving it that rare combination of both grandeur and comfort.
Includes a large, heated, magnificently decorated indoor swimming
pool and steam room to name a few of the numerous amenities making
this property the perfect location for families looking for
somewhere with lots to offer.

A five minute walk from Lechlade and a ten minute drive from the
medieval town of Burford, known as the gateway to the Cotswolds,
this house is perfectly located for those wanting to
explore quaint countryside attractions.


10-20k /pw
Get in touch

Price based on 7 night stay. Property also available per night.

Lechlade, Gloucestershire, England



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