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Priors House

United Kingdom, Oxfordshire

Sleeps 11
5 Bath
Allows Children
Car Parking
Central Heating
Extra accommodation nearby
High chair
Indoor Fireplace
Private Parking
Spa on site
Swimming Pool (Private Indoor)
Tennis Court
Walking distance to a restaurant / pub
Walking distance to a village / town
Washing Machine

This manor could make the perfect country getaway close to
London , Oxford and the Cotswolds. There is a Separate 2 Bedroom
Staff Cottage. Traditional with high ceilings and fireplaces this
is the perfect luxurious country getaway. The Estate is around
200 acres and offers complete privacy although the driveway to the
house is in the centre of the village which has a nice pub 200m

£20-30k /pw
Get in touch

Price based on 7 night stay. Property also available per night.

Oxfordshire, England