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Villa Likos & Guesthouse

Sleeps 10
5 Bed
3 Bath
Air Conditioning
All bedrooms en­suite
Allows Children
Apple TV
Breakfast Included
Car Parking
Chef Included
Direct sea access
Sonos Sound System
Swimming Pool

Guests can indulge in the pleasure of watching passing yachts and dolphins from the private sunbathing terrace. At night, the uninterrupted view of the southern sky from the villa unveils the natural wonders of Corfu, with monthly full moons casting a shimmering net across the sea and annual visits from the Perseid meteor showers. Each day ends with the afterglow of the setting sun and begins again with dawn over the Albanian mountains to the east, making Corfu a magical destination.

Located near Nissaki, a small Greek village, centred around its church and local cafeneion, offers a range of services, with a selection of mini-markets, bars restaurants and bakery. Side roads lead down to a number of small bays, most of which are invisible from the main road.

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Price based on 7 night stay. Property also available per night.

Corfu, Greece



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